Leicester City in the news: shine a light on Turkey’s abuse of Kurds

Congratulations to the Leicester City Football Club on their success in the English Premier League. They worked well as a team with a calm and thoughtful manager. Brilliant.

At the same time, Kurds in Leicester have family in Syria and Turkey who are suffering because the UK Government continues to support the  actions of Turkey’s Government:

According to the deputy minister, issues with Kurds taking part in intra-Syrian talks are mainly tied to Turkey’s position on the matter.

“The unwillingness to include Kurds in the negotiation process is related, first of all, to the rigid position of Turkey, which opposes this and even tries voicing ultimatums that if Kurds are invited to the negotiation process, they [Ankara] will do everything to disrupt this round of negotiations and ensure that the so-called Riyadh opposition leaves the talks,” Gatilov explained.

Turkey is the West’s ally in NATO, and now read this letter: 2016 May 3

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