Notes of first meeting 24 March 2016

First meeting, first thoughts: Political action and campaigning …

Political action:

  • Link with Nottingham Kurdish Solidarity Campaign
  • The focus will be on what other Governments are doing to Kurds, particularly at this time:
    • Kurds in Syria are living in a society created during these troubled times, which has brought relative peace and democracy in the midst of chaos. They have put together a model of organisation that could be rolled out across the Middle East. This model accommodates all who share their common values.
    • Turkish State has objected to Kurds having a seat at the table in Geneva with the UN in discussions to find a solution for the situation in Syria, and other countries have accepted that.
    • Turkish State is leaving some towns in Turkey looking as damaged as parts of Syria where it has bombed its own civilians
    • Target UK Government
    • Link with Kurdish groups and others like Nottingham Kurdish Solidarity Campaign – who share the aim of empowering Kurds so that they can live in their homelands without being constantly oppressed because of their race.
    • Bring together people in Leicester who will work together and campaign for change in the way the Kurds are viewed by the international community

Practical issues:

  • Raising money to pay for room hire, speakers’ expenses for conferences etc:
    • Just holding a collection
  • Meetings would be best on a Sunday around 4pm because that is when Kurds are more likely to be around.


Campaigning practically:

  • Banners: what to write
    • Stop the War on Kurds
    • Stop Turkish State War on Kurds
  • What languages:
    • Turkish, English
  • Use wallpapers for a long banner
  • Conference:
    • We are keen on a conference but we need to build some interest first
    • What would the focus be
    • Where would we hold it
  • Ask if we can bring the theme for the Leicester Against War vigil at the Clock Tower on a Friday 5.30 – 6.30pm


We will try to contact Uni students